Find the Christmas spirit and that perfect gift, in Downtown Vernon! Thousands of gift ideas from 100's of our stores and services or, simply purchase a Downtown Dollar gift card!
Meet Santa and his elf on Saturday's (schedule to come) while you enjoy FREE PARKING at all meters Nov. 26, Dec. 3, 10 & 17th. Hear carolers, music, in store specials and so much more!
Meet Santa and his elf on Saturday's (schedule to come) while you enjoy FREE PARKING at all meters Nov. 26, Dec. 3, 10 & 17th. Hear carolers, music, in store specials and so much more!
PLUS, the LETTERS TO SANTA CONTEST. Have your child write Santa a letter and deposit it into our North Pole Mailbox locations (where you will also find two Nutcracker soldiers by the mailbox. Head over to Vernon Teach & Learn on Nov. 24-Dec. 4, or at Teeter Totter Toys from Dec. 5 - 14th and finally they will be at The Boarding House on Dec. 15-22. We will pull one letter and offer that child's parents a $100 Downtown Dollar Card!! 12 Winners will be pulled on businesses days leading to Christmas (Dec. 7 - 22). We can't wait to see you all!!